Sign up to WIN!*

Richard would like for you to sign up or update your mail list information to better notify you of the many upcoming events, tours, contests and CD releases! We will be giving away several autographed copies of his “Stories to Tell” CD. The winners will be randomly picked from those who sign up or update all their information in the mail list. To update, you should have received an email with a link asking you to update. To sign up click the “Email list” on the top bar or – Click Here!

Richard will be visiting many cities in the near future and many more shows will be added soon. Stay current with Richard Marx news by visiting his website and facebook: and

Twitter to WIN!*

Richard’s Twitter account is used for news and updates.
We will be choosing one random Twitter user who follows, retweets and mentions Richard Marx. It’s another great way to grab one of those autographed copies of his “Stories to Tell” CD!

*Contest Rules – You must click the link and update your mail list profile with complete information. 4 random users will be chosen from the mail list and/or Twitter. Chance of winning is 1 in 57,000. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone for giving false information and/or signing up for the mail list multiple times. Contest ends November 15, 2010 at midnight and winners will be notified and posted by November 30, 2010 on